Improve security while
you operate

Security assessments. Expert analysis. Action plans.

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Perform a Security Assessment

in Four Steps

Engagement Definition

Secrabus helps define the scope of the assessment using an existing template or from scratch by understanding what will make the assessment a success.

Information Gathering & Threat Modeling

Secrabus collects information about the items in scope and evaluates credible threats to guide testing.

Vulnerability Analysis

Secrabus develops and follows a test plan to create reproducible test results. Don’t worry, we use pre-approved whitelists and blacklists to perform targeted testing while you operate.


Advance analysis of results is performed to generate a path forward. An executive presentation is included to share progress with management.


Sharing of Results

Secrabus provides the information to improve your security including a step-by-step path forward.

Collaborative Approach

Security is a team effort and Secrabus is here to work with your existing team.

Tailored Solutions

Secrabus provides custom assessments based on your needs, resources and current risk profile.


Secrabus provides daily updates during the assessment, detailed technical information and executive briefings.

Security Program

A security assessment is the first piece of a larger security program.  Secrabus is here to help you get started.

Information Security

Secrabus uses industry standards to encrypt, store, manage and protect assessment data.

Operate securely.

Improve your security today!